Opdateret d.22-06-2006 09:40:44 .2006
Udstilling Aalborg d. 18-06-2006
Udstilling Aalborg d. 18-06-2006
Dommer: Norman Deschuymere, B
Mellemklasse hanner. Ring 1. Kat nr. 1557
Litchi Chow FengShui
Correct bite, good pigmentation, good head with a flat scull, dark eyes, good muzzle, a
little bit low set ears, good neck, a little bit long in back, a little bit low tailset, very
good chest and forechest, good angulations, very good bones, good coat texture,
but out of coat, good movement, a little bit close in front.
1 Pr. 2 Pl. CK